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Health Issues


Living Your Life

A diagnosis of mesothelioma can be devastating to the person diagnosed and for their family and friends. Some suggestions to help you cope include:

Educate yourself. Learn enough about mesothelioma to make decisions about your care. Write down questions and bring them to your doctor and treatment team. Use the internet to find information on the disease from credible sources including the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society.

Find Support. Use or create a support network that can include coworkers, church members, close friends or family. These people can help you with everyday tasks including appointments and treatment. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and don’t be afraid to accept it.

Seek out other people with cancer. Look for cancer support groups in your community and online. Ask your health care team for suggestions. Support groups can answer questions that can other people with cancer can understand.

Plan ahead. It may be hard to do, but ask your health care team about advance directives. Taking these steps now will give your family guidance on your medical choices if or when you can no longer speak for yourself.

Sources: Mayo Clinic, Mesothelioma.com and the American Cancer Society